Springer Spaniel Health Issues

Springer spaniel health issues and problems (as with most other pets) can be divided into several categories:

1. Hereditary
2. Physical Development
3. Lifestyle
4. Accident-related and day-to-day problems

For convenience, I include ‘congenital’ under hereditary (congenital means ‘present at birth but not hereditary’). Any serious congenital problem would result in the early death of the pup, so you will not meet such conditions unless you are breeding springers, and even then it is unlikely.


The main hereditary problems that springers face are hip dysplasia and eye problems. Hip dysplasia (malformation of the hip joint) can be screened for in early life, and the parents are often a good indicator of this. Eye problems – retinal dysplasia can be scanned for when a pup, but progressive atrophy can skip generations and is harder to test for. Canine Fucosidosis (a metabolic disorder), which appeared in the 1990’s, has been largely bred out now.

Though not technically a hereditary problem, ear infections are fairly common in Springers, because of their floppy ears.

Physical Development

Because springer spaniels are such energetic and fun-loving animals, then owners have to be careful not to give them too much exercise when their bones, joints and ligaments are developing. Yes, they love to ‘spring’, but it should not be encouraged before about a year old; they will in any case jump of their own accord. Other forms of exercise should be controlled too, in line with their age and development.


The main problems here are due to overfeeding and/or lack of exercise, the solutions to which are obvious.

Some authorities suggest that springers have an increased risk of ‘diabetes mellitus’ in common with about 18 other breeds. This is sugar diabetes and is most common in dogs in middle to old age.

Accidents and Day-to-Day Issues

Apart from ticks, diarrhoea and the normal dog-type problems, springers often swallow stones – they sometimes retrieve a bit too much! Most will come through naturally, but might require the services of a veterinarian for a big stone.

Hunting dogs are attracted to ‘game’, and that can lead to disease when rats are involved. Weils’s disease (leptospirosis) is caught from rats, but like Adenovirus and Distemper, his vaccinations should provide protection.

Snake bites can be a problem in some areas and if you live a long way from a veterinarian then a pet ‘medicine chest’ might be an idea.

One final point. Dogs often regurgitate their food (‘bring it back up’) as part of their digestive process. It is normal, and although unpleasant to see them eating it again, that too is normal. It does not always mean that they are ill or have eaten something rotten. If regurgitation is a very common occurrence though, then discuss it with your veterinarian.

You know your dog best, and if you think that he is ‘out of sorts’ then that is the best indicator of a problem. Has he done anything unusual or has he been anywhere that he wouldn’t normally go? Have you changed his food or routine? All these may give you clues before you take him to the pet hospital.

Think about taking out Pet Health Insurance – good policies will even cover your dog for surgery. As always, read the small print!

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